AI Services

AI Service is a cloud-based service offering artificial intelligence (AI) outsourcing to supercharge local retail trade enterprises

Main AI services

We offer cloud-based applications that integrate the MERN stack with AI capabilities to enhance websites and bring greater intelligence to them. Our approach involves utilizing an Interest Scoring Model to analyze and convert people's attributes into numerical values, enabling us to identify products that align with their interests based on appropriate interest scores.


Design AI brain

Provide a QR code for customers to scan with their mobile devices, allowing them to access our menu and place orders directly.


MERN stack plus AI service

We utilize an advanced RAMBO full stack technology, which combines the MERN stack with AI design, to develop our AI website.

AI serviceFirst

Designed and trained an AI, later deployed in Cloud

Do you want to enhance the intelligence of your website by incorporating AI technology? At MIRA ELITE, we specialize in building, training, and deploying AI models using advanced techniques such as Support Vector Machine, Artificial Neural Network, Random Forest, and Hybrid models

AI ServiceSecond

Interest Scoring Model

We use the Interest Scoring Model to quantify people's interests into numerical values. This approach allows our AI model to effectively learn, train, and make informed decisions.

ThreeAI service

MERN stack with AI support

A revolutionary web/app development platform designed to enhance web design with AI support.

Would you like to make your website more intelligent?

Using our AI services with an independent Interest Scoring Model.

Our software provides an affordable quotation that includes a comprehensive suite of AI services to kickstart your website. With our AI service, you can enhance your website's intelligence and enable it to interact more effectively with your customers. This enhanced user experience will encourage your customers to spend more time on your website.

Step into the future of AI power.
MIRA ELITE solution, an AI-powered tool for the retail industry.


  • Website Design

    Web coding | UX/UI | Motion

  • Grow Website

    SEO | Social Media | Google Analytics

  • QR online software

    QR scan order system | Digital Loyalty Card | Booking

  • AI services

    Design AI brains | Connect and make 'intelligent' website | Rambo full stack

  • Research

    Investigate big data to develop new strategies and theories.

Get in Touch
Website $799
SEO & Marketing
QR Menu Order
A.I. Services
Mira Elite is a suite of AI-powered tools for the modern retail trades.Copyright © 2024 Mira Elite. All right reserved